Meet Caplin Rous' younger brother! "Dobby
is a teenaged capybara born on Valentine's Day in Texas. He flew across the country (in an airplane, of course) and lives mostly
outdoors. During colder weather he is allowed indoors with the guinea pigs, a gerbil, a cockatiel, and two parakeets.
He plays outside in the yard with two rabbits, some silly ducks and doves, a couple geese, and a bunch of fussy hens. He ignores
the turtle." Want to learn more about Dobby? Click on any of the photos below to visit his blog. Dobby may also be
seen on You Tube and Facebook. Enjoy!
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Five weeks old
Wearing a Mickey Mouse hat
Featured on Cute Overload
Outdoor bath tub
Inside on snowy day
Copyright 2003 - 2011 Kathy Anderson. All rights reserved.
Photos: © 2010 Dobby's Day, © 2009 Kathy Anderson, © 2010 Stacy Winnick
Everything on this website is copyrighted. Nothing may be reproduced without
permission from the person who holds the copyright to the original work.