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Caplin Rous & Dobby: Pet Capybaras

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A capybara is the world's largest rodent and native to South America. Although it is related to chinchillas and guinea pigs, who also inhabit South America, unlike them a capybara is a semi-aquatic animal. A simple Google search will bring up hits that provide additional information about this species, hits that include information on keeping them as pets (although they may not be the ideal pet for everyone). Both Caplin Rous and Dobby fall into the pet designation and they have many people who follow them as they go about their daily lives. To learn about Caplin Rous and Dobby, please click on the photos below.  Enjoy!

dobby resting with white rabbit rug

Dobby wrapped up in his rabbit rug

caplin rous in blue bonnets

Caplin in bluebonnets

Click here to learn how you can help the ROUS Foundation for Capybara Veterinary Medicine

Copyright 2003 - 2011 Kathy Anderson. All rights reserved.
Photos: © 2010 Capybara Madness, © 2010 Dobby's Day, © 2009 Kathy Anderson,
© 2010 Melanie Typaldos, © 2010 Stacy Winnick
Everything on this website is copyrighted. Nothing may be reproduced without
permission from the person who holds the copyright to the original work.